Project learning works best when it is relevant to students and the intended curriculum.
We help professional educators and community partners ensure that relevance is part of authentic project-learning experience design in a way that can be assessed using educational and professional standards related to targeted outcomes.
Whether you are looking for an authentic application of your targeted Attributes, Skills, and Knowledge/Standards (ASKS) to a real-world problem or have a real-world problem and need help focusing on your ASKS, we tailor our workshops to you. That way, you can tailor your projects to the learners in your school community in a way that can be assessed. Let us assist you in turning your Profile of a Graduate into actionable and measurable outcomes.
APLE-a-Day: APLE Harvests
Problem identification is a vital part of initial project ideation. Over the years, we’ve learned that educators are more likely to arrive at relevant problems for their projects if they ideate with community partners and even students.
At Project ARC, we use a variation of the World Cafe model to harvest potential APLEs. Spend a morning with potential partners as Project ARC facilitates your collaborative action.
Tailored Professional-Learning Inquiries
Most PBL providers offer canned workshops that neither recognize the assets in your school community nor differentiate between your teachers’ prior experience.
At Project ARC, we ensure the one, two, or three-day workshops we provide are relevant by understanding the school community and tailoring the learning to meet you and your teachers where you are.
“Project ARC continues to exceed our expectations. Not only are the experiences they provide high quality, but educator practices and mindsets are shifting to become more student-centered as a result of their work.”
Meghan Lawson, Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning, West Clermont Local School District, West Clermont OH
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? We can't wait to hear from you!