Project ARC is always working to learn...with you, from you, and from community partners.

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Tim Kubik, Ph.D. Tim Kubik, Ph.D.

A Stitch in Time…

Think of your curriculum as the whole cloth you use to design your learning experiences. That word, “design,” is important. We know our curricula are not a one-size-fits-all, off-the-rack solution for every one of our learners.

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Tim Kubik, Ph.D. Tim Kubik, Ph.D.

EdTech: 21st Century Tool, or Takeover?

Perhaps the question we need to prepare learners for today is not whether they are prepared to use technology in college and their careers but whether technology will take over their college and career experience by the mid-21st century.

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Tim Kubik, Ph.D. Tim Kubik, Ph.D.

It’s about Fit, not Fidelity.

Our purpose at Project ARC is to empower professional educators to become the potential difference in the arc of their learning and those of their learners. 

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